Orca plant turns carbon dioxide into stone

News Tech World

Orca plant turns carbon dioxide into stone

to stop global warming, not only does the world need to cut emissions, but trillions of tons of carbon dioxide will have to be removed from the atmosphere. 

Orca plant it looks like a modern art but this is actually the world’s largest carbon capture plant a bank of fans drawing in the air and removing it’s CO2 permanently. climb works sucks carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere and CO2 is accumulated in their cells and heat it up then it send the CO2 to carb fix and inject it into the pet rock and turn it into stone. the greenhouse gas arrives here and is then sent deep into the ground below where it will stay for thousands of years. 

 “we are injecting CO2 into the ground where it goes into bus office and rapidly turns to stone and that’s the essence of the Coptic Technology, we imitate and accelerate the process that nature has been applying for millions of years and by doing that we’re able to permanently eliminate some of our CO2 emissions and this is what we needs to do at scale if we are to meet our climate goals”                        


The world released 34 billion metric tones of CO2 into the atmosphere last year the orca plant will capture just 4000 tons the equivalent of emissions from 850 cars and the technology is expensive 15 million dollars to build this site in Iceland but clients are lining up corporations and private individuals are already paying client works to remove carbon dioxide in their name.                                 

scrubbed free of carbon dioxide the air in here has gone briefly back to pre-industrial levels the question is whether technology like this can be scaled up and the cost brought down in time to make a real impact. climate scientists are optimistic there are aiming at 4000 tons per year, Iceland itself has always been a low emitter 100% of the country’s electricity is from geothermal and hydropower but as well as capturing from the air Iceland is looking to import captured CO2 emissions by see and fix it deep into their bedrock bringing the world a little closer to it’s carbon neutral goal.

~ it's time to protect nature ~

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