How the mind works


As a human, we all have got this life and it is very valuable. we will be born as a human very rarely in this human life. we are on a never-ending journey of the circle of this rebirth while going on this never-ending journey. it is very rare for one to have a human birth. being human, we have the ability and opportunity to do good things and we know the difference between the good and bad.

 “If you practice the evil side of your mind if you give the space of the evil side of your mind, and if you give the majority to the evil side of your mind that evil thing that evil deed that evil will practice will bring you suffering”

Supreme Buddha (563 BCE to 483 BCE)

So, as humans we have the energy, we have the power to develop the wholesome and good in our minds.

we can change our minds to turn these evil practices into good practices. so, among these evil things evil thoughts that pop up in our mind, there’s a major evil thought is pride, normally when we are living in our youth, young people they’re living in a sense of pride in their own life, their youth, their health, and physical strength So, this pride may lead us to do evil things so that’s why the majority of young people are not living their life in the correct way. we should avoid pride in our youth while we are young, and we should avoid pride in our health while we are healthy. So, we should avoid pride in our youngness and our life while we are alive. if we are over proud of ourselves that leads to the destruction of our good deeds and good qualities in our life and that leads to sure destruction.

we need always remember that we are dying people. if we think we are mortal then we know that all the things that we gather in our life and all the things that we hold on to in our life are impermanent. one day we will have to stop all these things so, one day we lose all these things that we gather in our life. we are not permanent holders of all these things physical matter if we are clung or we are craving something surely that brings us suffering. so, the more we cling the more we become proud of our wealth our money, our children, our lands, and our properties the more suffering will come to our life so, we have to be happy with what we have. and always remember we all are mortal. We will have to leave this life one day. always practice good deeds before death because life is too short always be kind always be compassionate and don’t be proud ever.

~ something to think about ~

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