Right Time is Right Now

Innerguide Life Perfectmind
The Clock is ticking throughout the day 24×7 and 365 days this clock is ticking, this says the time is running. once it is gone we can not get back, time is one of the few things that we can never gain back after we are wasting it so that is why we need to make the best out of the given time. the lifetime, the time for humans to live on this earth is very little. we may die in 80 years, but very hardly a person will live in 100 years. so that is why our life is very short. But most of us waste a big part of our life on unnecessary things, that is the problem. We think that we have time, no we are wrong, we can not predict our future, whether our death will come today or tomorrow but surely we can say one day we’re gonna die.
                          so our time is limited, that’s why this limited time we have to practice wholesome qualities and good deeds. We have to collect something that can be taken to the next life. we can not happy about ourselves by doing evil and unwholesome things. We can not be humbly proud of ourselves for doing evil things so we should not wait for the right time to come, now most of us wait for the perfect time, but remember there’s nothing called perfect time. When we consider students, they think that they can study when all the disturbances and problems are gone and they procrastinate on their work. they will think “oh I can study tomorrow” if we think like that, what will happen as students they will end up in a huge problem when the exams come near. So we need to stop procrastinating about our time to study.
                            If we are doing business we need to take decisions about the business, most entrepreneurs keep on procrastinating. They may think they can make decisions, and develop their business on another day, but there is no perfect time, so don’t wait for the perfect time. and also spiritual practices. The people who are practicing spirituality doing good deeds, and meditating, also think they have time, they think that they can do merits, they can meditate tomorrow. So most of us wait for the perfect time to come. We wait until all problems are switched off and all the disturbances are gone and we wait until our life to say that “now is the perfect time for you to do good deeds, and for you to get a decision in your business”. no, life will never say that. Do you want to know what is the right time? “the right time is right now” there’s nothing called the right time. because we cannot predict our future, we cannot say that when death comes to our life it may be tomorrow, so what we have to do, we should not wait until the perfect time comes.
                           We do something wholesome and collect something good for our lives every day. so we waste so many days without collecting or doing any good deeds, without collecting any good things for our life. How many days have been wasted like that? Stop wasting those days. we can make those days good days, successful days. That is why successful people make the best out of their given time. Now we have 24 hours in a day and successful people, the people who became successful and people who achieved amazing goals in their life, all had 24 hours same as us.
                           So what’s the difference between us and them? They used their valuable time for a good thing to invest something in their life but we waste the time to this day. so during these 24 hours, you may sleep about six to seven hours so we have to keep those hours away and when we count the wake hours the time that we are in wake the working hours so how many hours we waste, how many hours do we take for doing unnecessary things how many hours do you waste in social media of finding the gossips and the information which does not belongs to your life don’t waste your valuable time instead use that valuable time to develop your life, use that valuable time to create a better and happy life for yourself. if you get the best out of your time you can be happy about yourself. self-happiness is one of the greatest happiness that we can achieve in our life and self-happiness is one of the rarest happiness that prevails in this world. we rarely become happy about ourselves. If we do well, if we use our valuable time to develop something good, develop something valuable to live, we can be happy about ourselves. when we are at death bed when we are looking back to our life, what we have done, and how we have lived. We can be happy, and we can face our death serenely and with a happy mind. so we think again about our valuable time to make our life a better one.
~ something to think about ~

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