Life is an amazing thing

Innerguide Life Perfectmind

Life is an amazing thing, as humans, we all have got an amazing gift and that is human life. the nature of this human life is we can think, we can decide the difference between the good and bad in life. we do good as well as the bad that is what the nature of this life so it is much and more important to reduce the amount of bad in our lives and to increase the amount of good in our life.

now in the world normally 99% of the people are pursuing happiness. we all have the desire for happiness as living beings. so the whole population in this world is pursuing happiness but, very few will find true happiness in their life. 99% of humans and living beings will fail in the long race of pursuing happiness.

“Happiness does not exist in the materialistic world all of us are following and chasing materialistic happiness but we will never find true happiness in this outer world. real happiness and the ultimate happiness exist within our mind so that’s why we have to consider more about our mind than the outer world.“

~ Supreme Buddha (563 BCE to 483 BCE) ~      

first of all, we need to make our minds better. then we can make this world a better place So, if we make our hearts and our souls and our own life good ones and successful ones. then we will have the opportunity to make this world a better place to take this world to where happiness exists in all of the hearts. So, we have to take care of our mind so that’s why we should discipline our mind. we will never find happiness through an undisciplined mind. we will only find happiness when our mind is disciplined. so through a disciplined mind, we can lead our life to happiness. so that’s why we should guide ourselves to happiness, not through the outer world but by making our own life, our own souls, our own minds better ones.

~ something to think about ~

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